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Bridge to Our Future Update

Letter From the Pastor

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit.


Bridge to Our Future Update


Summary: We accomplished our fundraising goal for the Bridge to Our Future campaign


Yay, St. A’s!!!

Way to go!

We have spirit, yes, we do!

We have spirit how about you!!!

Yay, St. A’s!!!

(read the above as a cheerleading chant)


We did it! We accomplished our goal! We set a goal, and we made it. The goal was called the Bridge to Our Future campaign. We set out to raise $60,000 a year for two years. We did it!


Way to go, St. A’s! Thank you for contributing! Thank you to all who pledged above their regular pledge to fill the gap until we receive the money for the sale of the land. This campaign is to raise money for a deficit in our operations budget in the years 2024 and 2025.


To date, 36 households committed. The total for year one is $70,440. The total for year two is $62,690. It is exciting that each year’s total greatly exceeds the goal. The first year is $10,440 over our goal. The second year is $2,690. We are excited that we exceeded the goal because it will help offset shortfalls in budgeted revenue.


Let me explain how we budget. We create a budget by looking at two pieces of data. First, we use the yearly pledges to determine the bulk of the budget. Then we look at past giving trends to complete the total amount we can budget. This year we also included fundraisers to meet our budget.


Unfortunately, we have not met this year’s “plate” goals. We use the word “plate” to mean the money given not covered in pledges. So the above money will help to meet our “plate” goals.


I am exceptionally proud of you! This church community is astounding. You are faithful, generous, and loving. I once again am so humbled and proud to serve with you. Thank you for your continued support and care of this spiritual community.


With love and hope,

Pastor Anny+

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