Letter From the Deacon
Matthew 13:44
‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.’
Give Me a Clean Heart
Summary: Involvement in God’s kingdom means to let go of false notions of greatness and embrace God’s kingdom values.
There are times when it feels as though the truth of the “kingdom of Heaven’” appears to be hidden in places that are not readily accessible to us and is being hoarded by a certain group of people. The temptation is to sell all that we have to become involved with that group, but I believe that the real point of this passage points to the need to be fully committed to being in God’s kingdom. That might mean that we will have to sell all of our false notions (egos) to confirm our place in God’s true kingdom. To follow the teachings of Jesus means that we have to let go of the many things that inhibit compassion, love, and peace that are the foundation of Jesus’ teaching. It is a joy when we are unburdened from hatred, fear, greed, and the need to control. Creator, give us passion for your teachings.
In Christ,
The Rev. Br. Simeon Powell